@ 26:55 … yeah that pissed me off enough to unsubscribe. Talking about how great the preventative medicine and healthcare is in Cuba? Allow me to share something I recently heard with you. A man called in to Patrick David’s podcast who was a doctor in Cuba but has been in the states for a year. As a doctor he had one of the highest paying jobs in Cuba. He made $40 dollars a month. One aspirin in Cuba costs $100 fucking dollars! Do not compare the United States to Cuba! I don’t know if you’ve been watching the the protests in Cuba, but they are constantly waving American flags. This great country has little in common with that hellhole.

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No one in the whole decade long (?) history of this story has ever explained how the water system there could be so screwed up that filtration and such couldn't fix it, given the millions involved.

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Way to go, Jordan & Jenn.

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It is pathetic that the GOP is so criminal and gets away with it because a) enough people don't care, (b) enough people support them for their criminality, and (c) the media either refuses or can't function properly.

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The 2nd Amendment, contrary to Scalia's incorrect reinterpretation of the founder's intent, is exclusively about a state's right to maintain a well regulated militia. The individual right to own a gun for protection is protected by the Ninth Amendment. This, however, is something that "originalists" like Scalia just can't fathom, that the founders conceived of rights not enumerated. Also, this allows these idiots to argue that if a right is not enumerated it just doesn't exist, Scalia argued this, which is contrary to Madison's stated view on that subject! Conservatives just aren't too bright or too bright by half.

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Milo, you've just expresssed your undeniable Katie obesssion. Suggest you time-out to regroup your senses and avoid further irrelevant self revelations.

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Sorry Katie. You undermine the intellectual integrity of the program. Your comedic micro-wit brings a level of entertainment, but not enough. Please graduate to NPR, or even better Democracy Now, to let yourself spread your wings completely. Your solo episode was unbearable. Please get out of the way, and let the revolution continue.

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GOP and the Dems both,has this terrible tendency to pull a tu quo que in calling out 'those evil other countries' in order to stop folks from looking at their own transgressions.

There's a Bible verse about this notion[I'm an atheist, but still it fits]before you seek to get the speck from your neighbor's eyes get that goddamned log out of your own eye first. Judge not that ye be not judged Matthew 7

"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, Let me take the speck out of your eye, You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye."

The 1970s teaching of values instead of the connections between ideas got left behind, it's about feelings, how does it feel,instead of how should we 'think' about these dissimilar things? oh but look at the pictures,it's so much easier. Public education promised so much of what cannot be taught and so we should just toss out Humanities as that actually does consist of thinking about real things not fantasy so no wonder we can't get crowds to protest their world is all about sitcoms, feelings and pictures, thinking was tossed out the window and educaters failed us all in providing no context to do with different times historic and/or current comparisons.

We're doomed.

"In the name of stamping out racism science has racists so we should start all over, as some scientists were racist and so in discovering scientific facts made therm with racist views."

Above is an actual comment by a white woman, so guilt-ridden by the likes of Diangelo who claims all whites are racist... period.

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I thought your comments on Biden's statement about going door to door was conveniently manufactured to create needless controversy.

You never considered by "we" he meant America at large which is consistent with his statements all along about dealing with COVID. He often states the need for this to be a collecting effort.

Points for turning a general statement into a controversial one in order to create another Taibbism of hipster negativity where folks, usually Democrats, are declared guilty w/o any chance to clarify.

It's cracks like these that make me not want to renew my sub.

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Jesse Singal is out molesting horses again…

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Amazing reporting. Please, Katie and Matt, read Franco"s Rokfin segment featuring Dr. David Martin. PLEASE.

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