Getting later and later releasing Extended version

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My definition of a “useful idiot” is somebody who naively aids communist revolutionaries in the belief that he or she is fighting for social justice. Once the Marxists take control and eliminate the opposition the “useful idiots” are next to go before the firing squad. Modern examples include Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. Matt, what is your definition?

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no to stalinism, yes to Trotzkism. all power to the proletarians. no power to the parasitic bureaucratic murderers of spain and stalins show trials

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Jun 20, 2022·edited Jun 20, 2022

Aaron, good work on your latest report, but, come on, it's going after low hanging fruit, albeit a heavy load, nevertheless, it's generally agreed among gentleman and gentlewomen , LA wasn't a great general. His quick retirement was predicated upon his poor handing of the US proxy/ISIS against Syria, that debacle notwithstanding ,his "work" as a MIC salesman was transparent enuff to pass muster and his seven year restriction exemption which allowed his appointment DOD top dog was rubber stamped by Congressional majority shareholders. Blah blah. . . Kudos and killer looks.

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